Departure booked

Sorry to have been neglecting the updates, but it’s been a bit hectic tying up a few loose-ends and coordinating everything to achieve our May departure date. Just today though (and forced by the rapidly diminishing accommodation options in Durban due to the Bank Holiday one suspects) things have become real. Shipping: The helpful DavidContinue reading “Departure booked”

Planning progress and a celebration

Rachel has just texted to say that her Career Break has been approved. Another hurdle ticked off the list! D-Day is approaching fast. Since my last post Alan (father) has enjoyed his 70th Birthday with a great party at the Rugby Club (TARFC). He’d asked the many guests to donate to in lieu ofContinue reading “Planning progress and a celebration”

Mechanical teachings

Dave Webb (TARFC and Sherwell Valley Motors) has just given Rachel her first vehicle maintenance lesson. Today involved an orientation of what’s what underneath the vehicle, the brakes, and the techniques to change a front wheel – followed by a couple of hours’ practical. With much gusto Rachel waded in and impressed her tutor withContinue reading “Mechanical teachings”

We had a Ball

Got to start this entry with thanks to: Dan, Becky, Glenn, Penny, Pat T, Davina, Helen P, Julie, Mrs H, Russ, and everyone else who pulled together to make the Africa Ball at Paignton Zoo such a great night. Special thanks to David Towers and Nina Brzezicki and the rest of the Zoo staff whoContinue reading “We had a Ball”

If you can’t afford to fail, steer carefully and precisely – or take another route – Eastnor Castle Landrover Driver Training

Well that was a busy week. the Van went in to have its final tweaks on Monday, then Tuesday we made our way up to Eastnor Castle in beautiful Herefordshire for the rearranged Driver Training at the Land Rover Experience. We arrived at our campsite late in the day. We were staying at the friendlyContinue reading “If you can’t afford to fail, steer carefully and precisely – or take another route – Eastnor Castle Landrover Driver Training”