Finishing touches

Dropped the Azalai off at OEC today to get the finishing touches completed. Everyone is optimistic we’ll get there before Christmas, but the manufacturers of the solenoids (to operate the tail-lift locking-pins) have consistently reneged on promised delivery dates over the last few weeks. Anyway, regardless everything else can happen: Uprated headlamp bulbs (the Defender’sContinue reading “Finishing touches”

Thursday Club

A new audience for the latest talk, the ladies and gents of the ‘Thursday Club’ at St Matthias Church, Wellswood. Attentive and kind though they were, I am sure that they would have been at least equally interested if I’d filled the slot with (more) pictures from previous wildlife shoots – compared to the normal,Continue reading “Thursday Club”

Shipping Update and a trip to The Land of My Fathers

The van is going for shipping at the end of the month, but now not from Avonmouth, but Tilbury docks. It will arrive in Durban at the end of April just in time for us to help it clear through customs. Thanks again to David Squibb of KWE for all of his help in arrangingContinue reading “Shipping Update and a trip to The Land of My Fathers”

Landrover Broken by Landrover Dealer

So we were just about there with vehicle preparation, just a quick trip to Matford Land Rover to get a spare set of keys. Unfortunately whilst in their custody, the Azalai took a bit of a bump to its roof-rack. (Accidents do happen so importantly…) The Dealer was good as gold and covered the repair,Continue reading “Landrover Broken by Landrover Dealer”

Taking the Azalai to Tilbury Docks

We left Torquay in the middle of the night (30/3/11)  knowing that the next time the Azalai drives on the Bay’s roads it will be after it’s traversed the length of both Africa and Europe. Despite having had less than a few hour’s sleep, the drive to Tilbury Docks was really enjoyable. I did theContinue reading “Taking the Azalai to Tilbury Docks”

The Landrover to be shipped

The MV Safmarine Mafadi has arrived at Tilbury – this is the new good ship to ferry the Azalai to Durban after the last boat ‘did one’ sans Land Rover! A quick note of thanks to Nicky Baker for her support and encouragement. Rest assured Nicky that we’ll do our best to add an engineer’sContinue reading “The Landrover to be shipped”

The Landrover has shipped for Durban

After missing out on being boarded onto the MOL Caloden, the Azalai was waiting for MV. Safmarine Mafadi to ship her to Durban. The ETS we had was 13th April. We watched her sail in to Tilbury on – but then saw her sail out again late on 12th April! We had an anxiousContinue reading “The Landrover has shipped for Durban”