Injured Players Fund assistance

Great news, just heard from Tim Bonnett of the RFU’s IPF (Injured Players’ Fund) that the Trustees have agreed to help fund the cost of adapting disabled facilities for the vehicle. This includes a provision for mobility aids too. This will help to keep our outlay broadly in line with that of able-bodied purchasers. MyContinue reading “Injured Players Fund assistance”

Carnet De Passage

After being tasked with the job of looking into Carnet costing I thought I had better get cracking straight away. Following on from the really useful info on the gapyear4x4 website I emailed Paul Gowen, ‘Carnet Man’ at the RAC (and now the man of the moment in my eyes). An automated reply came back,Continue reading “Carnet De Passage”

With a little help…

As I briefly mentioned a few posts ago, we have started a ‘Logistics and Fundraising committee’. We have realised that in order to make the trip happen in the time-frame that we are planning, we need some help from others. Quite simply there are not enough hours in the day to accommodate all of theContinue reading “With a little help…”